Why Choose Alternate?
The Richard Pfaff Secondary Alternate Program offers:
The ability to flex structure to accommodate for students at risk.
- An attendance system that rewards hardworking students and places responsibility for poor attendance with the student.
- An 8:45 - 10:00 a.m. flexible start time that allows students to tailor their school day to meet out-of-school obligations.
- Access to an addiction counsellor, social worker, psychologist, Ontario Works and nurse practitioner on site.
- The same curriculum offered at traditional high schools at the applied/college and academic/university levels.
- Three staff on site dedicated to cooperative education and specialized co-op.
- Clear and consistent expectations and consequences that provide students with a solid framework they can count on.
A large percentage of our graduates attend college and university each year.
It should be noted that no special education services are provided at the alternate sites. Due to the fact that the curriculum is delivered using ILC (Independent Learning Courses) materials, good reading and writing skills are required.